Instructional Resources

Guide for Preparing Your Course for Remote or Online Learning

This guide provides a systematic approach to assist instructors in preparing their courses for remote or online instruction and is designed to support the use of the Brightspace Course Site Set-up Kit. It takes into consideration that some instructors may be starting from scratch, while others may have existing content to build upon. For those starting from scratch, we recommend that you use the set-up kit, as it provides a simple editable structure to get you started.

The guide is divided in two parts:

Part I: Planning Your Course

Careful planning will help you make decisions about the course elements that are crucial for maximizing students’ learning in a remote or online environment. Part I provides tips and resources to guide your decision making for each of these elements based on evidence-based practices.

For those wanting to learn more, a list of additional resources are provided so you can take a deeper dive into the ideas presented. Also, at the end of each section, you find a link to the relevant Quality Matters standard recognized internationally for delivering quality online learning experiences.

1. Examine your course and your teaching and learning context

2. Edit or write overall course goals/learning outcomes

3. Review and construct assessment components and methods of feedback

4. Review and prepare teaching and learning activities and resources

5. Check that learning outcomes, assessment/feedback and activities/resources support each other

6. Decide course structure and organize a schedule for entire semester

7. Prepare or revise syllabus and communication strategies

8. Evaluate how your course is going

Part II: Implementing Your Plan in Brightspace

Now that you have a sound plan for your course, you can begin setting up your Brightspace learning environment. Part II of this guide provides other tips and resources to help you build and facilitate your course in Brightspace. Again, a list of additional resources and QM standards are provided if you want to dive in and learn more.

1. Getting started: write welcome and overview

2. Set communication expectations

3. Provide resources on how to be successful and getting help

4. Make syllabus accessible

5. Create course schedule

6. Setup content modules

7. Setup communication and assessment technology tools

8. Finalize and activate your course site


(Standards used by the Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Learning (CITL), Memorial.)

Resource created by: Pam P., & Lisa St. C.

Originally Published: April 5, 2024

Last Updated: January 15, 2025


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